Share Your Story
Stories are a powerful tool in fighting hunger! Fill out the form below to share yours.
Mountaineer Food Bank wants to hear why you care about hunger, whether you are a volunteer, donor, advocate or someone who has experienced hunger first-hand. If you’re not sure what to write about, you could tell us about your experience with any of the following:
Using emergency food or food assistance (including food pantries, SNAP/food stamps, summer meal program, etc.)
A time when food assistance helped you get back on your feet
Losing your job in this tough economy
Having trouble making ends meet or having to choose between food and rent, medical bills, or other expenses
Difficulty accessing food or services where you live
Living on a fixed income
A memorable experience you had as a Mountaineer Food Bank advocate or volunteer
The reason you donate to Mountaineer Food Bank
If you have any questions or would prefer to tell your story to someone, please contact a development membere by calling 304-364-5518.